All the Ordinances passed in this period are available through this website via the following sources:
- Falkland Islands Gazettes
- A Revised Edition of the Ordinances of the Colony of the Falkland Islands in force on 31st December 1913’ printed in 1915; and
- ‘The Laws of the Colony of the Falkland Islands and its Dependencies etc. in force on 31st December 1950’ printed in 1951 and coming into effect on 12th March 1953.
- Bound Ordinances Rules and Regulations:
1940-1948 - Falkland Islands National Archive
In this period the provisions of the Dependencies Ordinance 1908 applied.
Before determining whether any particular Ordinance applied to the Dependencies please read and research at least all of the following:
- Home page
- Constitutional Framework page
- Constitution – 1908-1948 Arrangements
- Interpretation and General Law Ordinance 1900
- Letters Patent 21 July 1908
- Letters Patent 28 March 1917
- Dependencies Ordinance 1908
- Dependencies Ordinance 1908 section 3 Notices Table
- Chronological Table of Ordinances (to 31/12/1913)
- Chronological Table of Ordinances (to 31/12/1950)
- Research – How to Check Whether Falkland Islands Laws Applied In The Dependencies