Constitutional Framework – Current

South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands key Constitutional Documents and Instruments

The constitutional framework for South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands has evolved over the years since Captain Cook first took possession of South Georgia on 17 January 1775.

On this page you will find the current constitutional arrangements. Other pages in this section reflect the previous constitutional arrangements.

When interpreting or construing these Orders regard should be had to the Interpretation Act 1978.

The following Ordinances and Proclamation are also relevant:

The provisions and effect of the Colonial Laws Validity Act 1865 should always be considered as should the underlying powers in the various British Settlement Acts (see below).  This is especially important when seeking to understand or consider SGSSI’s hierarchy of laws and the applicability of UK laws to the territory.

The European Convention on Human Rights applies to South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands and has applied since 1953. The right to petition the European Court of Human Rights was extended to the territory on and from 14 January 2006

The following documents and instruments are largely of historic relevance. It is known or suspected that other similar documents exist. However they have not, as yet, been located or are not in a form for ready publication.

Acts of the United Kingdom Parliament: